Join Marlia for an in-depth vocal alchemy training to regain the true power of your voice, to unblock your throat chakra and to reconnect to the simple, playful & natural .way of expressing your authentic voice beyond judgements, painful beliefs and limiting conditioning.
This training has been designed by Marlia to offer profound shifts in your overall perception, as well as your auric vibration. Opening & attuning your Rising Voice is not only a game changer in the way you lead, facilitate, hold space & relate with the world, it is a gift for humanity to receive more Divinity through you.
➠ unblock your throat chakra
➠ sing with more relaxation
➠ improve your vocal skills
➠ enjoy the sound of your voice as a singer
➠ retrain your abused or strained voice
➠ reclaim the power of your voice
➠ an aspiring singer who wants to unfold your vocal potential
➠ a beginner singer who wants to take your singing voice to the next level
➠ someone who wants to hold space for people’s creative expression
➠ light beings interested in light language, channelled sacred songs &transmissions