Using Indian scales - as well as a more modern approach to the yoga of sound, we will generate more prana (energy) within the body, we will transform stuck energy blocks (in any of the chakras or energetic bodies), and we will help open the throat (vishuddhi) chakra.
Marlia has intensively studied the workings of the voice in India and Indonesia, under the guidance of Indian teacher Manoj Dubey, and international legend Tahir Qawwal, granting her the experience to teach the Nāda Yoga system in renowned wellness centres around the world, as well as online.
Nāda Yoga is the Yoga of Sound, a meditation and vocal activation system invented in India since centuries ago. It is a metaphysical system based on the belief that everything in the Universe is made of Sound vibrations called Nāda.
Using traditional vocal techniques - such as Indian ragas (or scales) - as well as a more modern approach to the yoga of sound, we will explore vowel/consonant sounds and share sanskrit music syllables from a new perspective.
In the flow of sound, the meditators will create the union of their mind with the cosmic consciousness. As Nāda Yoga makes the union with the inner self through sound. The group will be guided through mystical sound explorations to experience healing, stillness and inner peace with the sound of their own voice.
- Transform physical and energetic blocks which obstruct the natural flow of your sound
- Reduce anxiety, fear, aches and aggression
- Cultivate a feeling of joy and a singing meditation practice-
Feel more energised releasing happy hormones (dopamine & serotonin)
- Find community connection through song and sounding together
- Welcome healing and improve concentration
- Help release through the throat chakra (vishuddhi)
- Journey beyond inhibitions while letting sound nourish our mind
- Develop the efficiency of your breathing pattern, welcoming calmness
- Be guided to self-realisation and the union with the cosmic consciousness
It is recommended that you repeat this 40-minute practice once a week to strengthen your voice, to feel the impact of this grounding practice and to come into union of mind, body, heart, soul and spirit.
After a few introductory words by Marlia about the Nāda Yoga system, you will be guided through a series of seated movements which bring more awareness to these body parts that allow effortless chanting, engaging the correct vocal muscles, activating the area around your vocal box and your belly breath.
A few minutes of vocal warm-ups with Holy mantra OM and AUM will follow and then you will learn the syllables SA RE GA MA PA DHA NI SA one by one. You will learn slowly how to climb up from sound to sound until you reach the top SA.
The first raga which is used in this session is called Bhairav and it is usually practised from 6-9 in the morning. You do not need any written manuscript as these videos have been adjusted to contain the Nāda Yoga syllables so you can see everything on your screen while watching the video.
The second raga of this session is named Bhairavi; this one is practised from 9AM to 12PM.
Marlia will then explain a little bit about ornaments or embellishments.
Next you will learn about the pattern of the Plus One Exercise as Marlia breaks it down for you.
The last part of the Nāda Yoga session is more open to the possibility of improvisation.
We hope you enjoy this session and stay tuned for more of Marlia's online and in-person courses/retreats/workshops/performances around the world by following her social media.
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Nāda Yoga practice - The Yoga of Sound/Voice
When you purchase this Nāda Yoga course, you will receive a download link with all videos (6 videos) of 80 minute total duration (vocalising exercises for almost 60 minutes in total).
We recommend that you try the full program three times in three weeks. Then it’s highly recommended to use the warm-up and main practice (total of 40 minutes) every once a week for your voice’s training and the union of mind, body, heart, soul and spirit.