Guitar Tutorial: Medicine Songs #1

$ 31.00 USD
$ 35.00 USD

Hey medicine tribe! Learn how to play your favorite medicine songs on guitar with fingerstyle and strumming techniques! This is your chance to take your medicine song-playing to the next level. A LIVE tutorial to break down 5 of your favorite Medicine Songs together with your guitar hands-on, teaching you how to use right-hand finger-picking & strumming techniques, how to practice changing chords on the left hand on the beat, giving you extra tips on how to make your playing easier and effortless. Viva la familia medicina!

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What you’ll learn in this masterclass

  • Learn how to use right-hand finger-picking techniques to play medicine songs
  • Practice changing chords on the left hand on beat
  • Extra tips to make your playing easier and effortless
  • Breaking down the structure of each song so that you can easily follow the parts
  • Learn how to use right-hand strumming techniques
  • Practice keeping the rhythm

Medicine songs that you'll be learning with this course:

  1. “Corazón que es lo unico que tengo”
  2. “Wakomaia” Yawanawa song
  3. “Noku Mana” Huni Kuin song
  4. “Cuatro Direcciones” by Ayla Schafer
  5. “Cunyaq” by Curawaka

No Guitar at All:

All of these songs can also be played with a rattle or drum, so if you intend to only sing, then you can still participate.

Beginner Guitar Players:

If you are a complete newbie on the guitar, you will still benefit from focusing on what to learn next.

Intermediate Guitar Players:

And if you already have some guitar experience, you will surely find some new practice for your guitar playing!

I will be sharing one easy finger-style technique for beginners, and a fairly more complicated one for intermediate players.


Included will be a PDF document with the Medicine Songs, Lyrics, Chords, Fingerstyle & Strumming patterns I will be teaching on this masterclass!

Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?

You will need a guitar (if you're playing already and you know how to play at least 10 chords) and a capo.

Otherwise if you don't play guitar, you can use a rattle, a drum, or your voice.

Who this masterclass is for:

Space holders, Yoga teachers, Singers, Ceremonialists, Kirtan facilitators.

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Submitted: 24.09.2022
Course: Rising Voice
Vocal Training

Review by Claire B.

"I lovedthe Rising Voice workshop! Marlia created such a relaxed and cosy and safespace, I felt really free and encouraged to play with my voice and trust that Iwould be heard and supported. Marlia sharesher deep knowledge on the voice and music with real beauty and humbleness, Ifeel super inspired by her careful and calm approach to sharing in this space! I came awayfrom this workshop feeling re-connected to my voice, music and sound in generalas a source of wisdom and healing. I feel this workshop has kick-started somemuch needed healing in my throat that will ripple through time and space. Thankyou, thank you!"

Read more about Rising Voice Vocal Training
Submitted: 14.11.2022
Course: Rising Voice
21 Day Vocal Training

Review by Sundari Marci Lock

"I am so grateful that I discovered Marlia and the gifts she shared through activating the voice. I had such an amazing, activating experience with Marlia at her vocal activation practice.  She is so gifted & creates a safe, sacred field to journey into vocal expression, freedom & play. She brings in awareness & context to the tools to really assist the breath, opening of the voice & a full permission to step into the vocal expression available. She opened up a whole new realm of awareness for me to play with my ranges & bring play & sacred frequency in ways to use the voice I wasn’t aware of before. I have participated in several of her group programs & experiences & I keep coming back for more. Thank you Marlia for bringing in your wisdom, journey & experience. It is such a gift."

Read more about Rising Voice 21 Day Vocal Training
Submitted: 04.01.2023
Course: 12 Chakra
Voice Activation Course

Review by Aiko Hommaru

"When I first met with Marlia and sat beside her, I felt beautiful energy like sacred goddess illuminated from her and it was so comfortable to be with her. When the session started for one participant in the circle, the space was immediately transformed into different space and time; it was as if I drop into a fairy tail story book which was made only for that person. Why? The inner purest voice of that person spoke out, transcended through the air and transmitted into my body, immediately we were in the forest and the wind started to rise, birds and leaves started to sing….

Great cosmic mother whispered to us and we freely danced and offered comfort, blessings and sang with a joy, the joy for being participated into that beautiful story as one element. The base music was always flow at the bottom of deep river in that story and Marlia’s sound was sometimes beyond my imagination, it was like she sometimes her presence transformed into animals or nature element such as bubble, and that invoked rest of us to be free like that.

Fierce, gentleness, sadness, joy, grief, delight, frustrate, coincidence, all kind of emotions or element of energy are allowed to wove there. The story was evolving with beautiful vibrations, sound, smell, colour, vision, physical sensation, sensation of oneness—and that was made for that beautiful person. We were journeying together with honouring and blessing for that person. The story evolved moment by moment. I was crying most of the time with the joy to experience this enormous grace and felt so honoured that I could be a part of creation.It was completely an experience beyond the mind, but dropping into a soul cosmos where time and space transcended.

Marlia, thank you so much for opening up new point of view… I am so amazed at your work, amazed at how a human can illuminate and vibrate so fantastically. I am quite lucky to meet you. Thank you so much for leading us, opening up and activating our power of sacred voice!"

Read more about 12 Chakra Voice Activation Course
Submitted: 30.05.2024
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Review by Bobby Adlington

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Submitted: 30.05.2024
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Review by Helena Edrén

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